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UNM > Information Technologies > Alerts Internal Login
IT Alerts
Urgent Notices
Emerging ICE Scam
Type: Announcement
Period: 3/22/25 10:30 pm - Present
UNM IT was notified of a scam attempt via telephone and email in which individuals were falsely claiming to be UNM representatives with general information regarding the student being at UNM, and were threatening disenrollment due to student Visa and other issues. Additional calls/emails from individuals falsely claiming to be from Immigration Control and Enforcement (ICE) may also occur, requesting personal information and threatening actions against the student and their family if money is not submitted. If you receive one of these calls, do not engage.
If you receive one of these calls, we recommend contacting the ICE tip line at 1-866-347-2423 or your local law enforcement agency. Additionally, please call UNM IT at (505) 277-5757.
If you receive a suspicious email that may be related to this situation, please report it from your email. Information on how to report emails can be found at the FastInfo link here: https://unm.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/7931/kw/
Emerging ICE Scam
Type: Announcement
Period: 3/22/25 10:30 pm - Present
UNM IT was notified of a scam attempt via telephone and email in which individuals were falsely claiming to be UNM representatives with general information regarding the student being at UNM, and were threatening disenrollment due to student Visa and other issues. Additional calls/emails from individuals falsely claiming to be from Immigration Control and Enforcement (ICE) may also occur, requesting personal information and threatening actions against the student and their family if money is not submitted. If you receive one of these calls, do not engage.
If you receive one of these calls, we recommend contacting the ICE tip line at 1-866-347-2423 or your local law enforcement agency. Additionally, please call UNM IT at (505) 277-5757.
If you receive a suspicious email that may be related to this situation, please report it from your email. Information on how to report emails can be found at the FastInfo link here: https://unm.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/7931/kw/
Storage Maintenance Notice
Type: Announcement
Period: 1/3/25 - Present
Starting January 3rd and continuing for six to eight weeks, IT will be refreshing the storage environment that hosts departmental shared drives (UNMCIFS). This is planned as a non-disruptive phased process, with no expected loss or interruption of service.
The share clients should automatically reconnect without user action. During this period if users experience issues accessing departmental drives, they should contact their departmental IT officer, departmental IT staff, or UNM IT Customer Support Services at 505-277-5757 for assistance.
Thank you for your understanding as we work to improve our storage infrastructure.
UNM Network Infrastructure Maintenance, 04/05 - 04/06
Type: Announcement
Period: 4/5/25 10 PM - 4/6/25 2 AM
UNM IT Networks will perform planned maintenance on Network Infrastructure to complete critical maintenance and upgrades. Completing regular maintenance activities allows UNM IT to make improvements to enhance network performance, security, and usability of IT services. The maintenance has been scheduled as follows:
April 5th from 10:00PM to 2:00AM on April 6th
While unlikely, it is possible that the outage could be lengthier and more impactful. Updates will be provided on IT Alerts.
It's important to note that no other significant changes are planned during this maintenance, and the work, while temporarily impacting connectivity to and from each specific building, will not impact the overall availability of the UNM Data Center, and the vast majority of the UNM network will remain available for the duration of the maintenance - except for the service interruptions indicated below.?
What does this mean for you?
Wired Connectivity: Wired connectivity will be impacted for the buildings indicated below, potentially for the entire window.
Wireless Connectivity: Wireless connectivity will be impacted for the buildings indicated below, potentially for the entire window. However, Wireless services will be available for the rest of campus without interruption.
Service interruption to IT wired and wireless network services in the buildings listed below:
B023-Mitchell Hall
B010-Scholes Hall
B115-Communication and Journalism
B103-Hodgin Hall
B035-Regner Hall
B022-Clark Hall
B016-Bandelier West
B046-Computer and Science Engineering Library (CSEL)
B119-Farris Engineering
B008-Bandelier East
B122-Mechanical Engineering
B014-Science and Math Learning Center
B002-Engineering and Science Computer Pod
B034-Logan Hall
B046-Electrical and Computer Engineering (EECE)
B147-Parking Facility
B198-Parking Cornell
B121-Nuclear Engineering
B116-Ford Utility
B012-Anthropology Annex
B105-Art Annex
B009-Marron Hall
B004-Carlisle Gym
B104-Sarah Reynolds
Brief Wireless Outages to Main Campus Buildings Operating After Hours Between the Hours of 10 PM and 12 AM on April 19th
Type: Announcement
Period: 4/19/25 10 PM - 4/20/25 12:00 AM
To stay current with vendor requirements, UNM IT Networks will be performing planned upgrades to the wireless controllers. A brief outage is expected to impact specific buildings across campus while the upgrade is in progress.
What does this mean for you?
Wired connectivity: Wired connectivity will not be impacted during these upgrades.
Wireless connectivity: Wireless connectivity will be briefly impacted. We expect the outage to only take 10-15 minutes while equipment reboots and upgrades.
Service interruption to IT wireless network services will affect main campus buildings operating after hours, and the impacted buildings have been notified of the outage.